Exhibition Pickup
“Francisco de Goya” from the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Goya is Spain's greatest painter along with Diego Velazquez. Goya, who lived through the turbulent years from the 18th to the 19th century, left behind a large amount of canvases, including his portraits and decorative paintings as a court painter. There are many works that express the fantastical, sometimes bizarre, light and shadow that are rooted in his unique spirit.
Here we have selected Goya's oil paintings from the Metropolitan Museum of Art on display.
KAKU (Core) and KONKAN (Root) exhibition
Development of early modern painting

After the Middle Ages, painting entered a period of great change. It's not so much that things change in an instant, but rather that the trends of each era appear. Although the images of the artists and their works are spectacular, we are able to get a glimpse of the inner lives of the artists, who can sometimes be lonely or calm, and we often see images that are far removed from the general impression. We hope that you will experience the difference between captivating and captivating paintings through the development of early modern painting.
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